3 Tips to Help Get Your Business Organized!




There are so many ways to get organized, and using a cloud-based business software is one easy way to access tons of features that can help you get things in order! A business that’s organized can focus on what’s really important: the clients. Not only that, but some of these tips can help improve productivity and overall efficiency. Let’s dive right into some organizational tips and the tools Envision Cloud business management software has to offer!

Digitize Your Task List

Creating a written task list is simple enough, right? But bringing your to-do list online is a great way to ensure tasks aren't crumpled up and lost. With a cloud-based task feature, your list can be accessed from the shop, your home computer, or even your smartphone! With Envision Cloud Preferred & Ultimate, the typical sticky note gets a major upgrade with our Task List. You can set the priority of tasks, categorize them, assign them, set due dates, and more! Plus, tasks can be set to pop up when the person assigned to the task logs into Envision Cloud.

Color-code Your Appointment Schedule

Color-coding can transform the capabilities of an appointment schedule! You can assign different colors to different Inventory Departments, depending on the services your business offers. You can then assign services to these departments and then your calendar is color-coded by department! With our business management software, appointments can also change colors once they’ve been checked out or considered a no-show. With Envision Ultimate, you can even color-code by service to really give you that specificity! Once your staff becomes familiar with the system, one glance and they know exactly what’s going on based on color alone!

Set Up Appointment Resources

No client wants their appointment slowed down by equipment or workspaces being overbooked. By assigning equipment or resources in your business to a particular service, you can track them to ensure they will be available during the appointment. With Appointment Resources in Envision Cloud, never worry about overbooking your rooms or equipment! Once Resources and Resource Groups have been assigned, our business software can select the correct resource for services during appointment booking and will notify you if the required resource is not available!

With Envision Cloud, we’ve got options that can offer your business the digital structure that can help you thrive! Envision the ways your business could de-clutter, get organized, and so much more! To learn all about Envision Cloud’s features, visit https://www.envisiongo.com/features.html.