4 Sales by Comparison Reports to Pull Today!


With Quarter 2 Updates, came 14 new Sales by Comparison reports! When clicking the Sales by Comparison dropdown, a world of exciting reporting options opens up. These reports allow your business to compare sales from two different periods of time by different aspects of your business. Thinking back to this time last year, I think we can all agree things were a bit different! With these reports, we do the math for you and visually display the comparative sales data! So, let’s dive in to the four reports:

1. Sales by Lead Source Comparison

A lead source is the way a client found out about your business! This report can compare the sales generated by different lead sources over time! What makes this report so valuable is you can visually see which lead sources have generated more profit. This can help guide your business in deciding which marketing tactics to dedicate more energy to. For example, in the graph below we see that sales are down for the year, but client referral is still the most profitable lead source! With this info one could start a client referral program with the loyalty program feature in Envision Cloud and begin offering incentives for client referrals!

2. Sales by Inventory Comparison

Retail trends change! Between the seasons and what's hot on social media now, your client purchasing habits may shift over time! With the Sales by Inventory Comparison, you can see what retail items have peaked in popularity or what services have fallen off. This data can be used to help your business craft promotional offerings, order inventory, finetune your services offered, and tailor your marketing to the latest fad at your business! 

3. Sales by Client Comparison

Who's your #1 client? With the Sales by Client Comparison report, you can see which clients are spending the most and how their spending has changed over time! This report can also show general spending shifts over varying periods of time! If you see great increases in profit with new clients, that's an exciting sign of business growth! If you see a downturn in spending, it may be time to strategize and identify areas for improvement! 

4. Sales by Employee Comparison

Which employee is pulling in the most profit? Who's exceeded their sales from the previous time period? With this report, you can see employee growth and performance month-to-month, year-to-year, and more utilizing the date range feature! This report can be used to decide an employee of the month if there's been a great improvement or maybe identify an employee who's been struggling a bit and could be in need of some mentorship. This report really allows you to check in with your staff and compare their performance. 

These are just 4 of the 14 Sales by Comparison reports now available in Envision Cloud! We know times are changing and being able to compare current sales stats to previous periods is crucial for your business to plan and make decisions! The team at Envision wishes you well on your brand-new reporting journey and hopes these new options benefit and offer insight to your business!