Don’t be Perplexed by TEXT!



When it comes to marketing, outreach, and now general conversations, it seems that the digital world has taken over with things like Facebook messenger, texting, and other social media apps as the way to communicate with someone beyond a phone call! While text messaging is not a complete replacement for phone calls and emails (yet), it probably has become one of the most instrumental tools in controlling your communications with clients and prospects from reminders to marketing and everything in between. We have noticed a significant increase in email and text messaging marketing, so in today’s journey here are a few ways texting through Envision is particularly useful for your business.


First, clients these days would much rather text you than call into the business. I, myself, have been procrastinating booking my Dr. appointment just because calling has become a pain (slacking I know). But spa and salon businesses build brand and business loyalty today not only by providing the best services, but by offering the best experiences. Offer me a better experience than the salon down the street, and I’ll buy more product and come see you more often. Texting is the most effective way to give your customers the experience they desire whether you are selling product or offering a sale! Nobody has to worry about waiting on hold, or wonder if an email was received. Texting is quick, easy and convenient – just what clients want, right?






Second, in order to stand out from the competition, you have to offer people an experience different than what they might be doing. You need something that says to customers, “You’re my very special client, not just another dollar.” With Envision, you can setup automated texts! What’s more personal than a text wishing you a Happy Birthday or telling the client you “Miss them?” This will make the client feel more like family to the spa/salon. Now you can apply a coupon or a special offer to these texts and “Voila!” money made through texts! Texting is the simplest form of immediate social engagement, and it’s personal, direct to the customer. Birthdays, Anniversaries, First visits, last visits and referrals can all have that text 







Third, keep the client responsible for the appointment they are set to have! Many people simply won’t answer a phone call these days. Trust me, I let my personal calls go to voicemail and IF the caller leaves a voicemail I am likely to respond, otherwise I typically do not. This isn’t just me but most people these days. Also, the time you’re open they are usually at work themselves, therefore, if you call at an inconvenient time, you might lose your chances of ever confirming that appointment on the phone. With two-way text messaging, you can ask your prospects to confirm when it is convenient and then our system is so smart, it confirms it automatically. Problem solved!






All in all, because of its direct-to-client capability and popularity among them, texting could be the single most beneficial tool for your business that you’re not already using (if you are, you’re ahead of the curve!) TRUE two-way texting can help you increase revenue and make sure you aren’t missing any opportunities to make money. People are becoming less responsive to phone calls & voicemails. However, they still read 98% of their text messages and most messages immediately. Clients can respond back at NO additional cost, then they can save the number and send inquiries or booking requests to you, without you having to trigger the conversation first! Texting is the future, it’s a digital world, make sure you have your finger on the pulse of the clients needs and they will have the fingers on the texts to respond! Contact Envision today to start text messaging or to learn how to utilize your text messaging services more in depth!